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Monday, April 26, 2010

Day Thirteen: O! Las Vegas!

Group classes resumed Wednesday afternoon - more fun, and a little more spinning too!

Driving to the studio along the freeway, The Strip to the right, mountains in the distance

Then as the evening set in... Fawnia and I set off for the Bellagio, for a show I've wanted to see for a long time: O.  In permanent residence in Las Vegas since its premiere in 1998, O is "inspired by the concept of infinity and the elegance of water's pure form" - as per the Cirque site.  Most of the (enormous) stage is an incredible invention in which the floor lowers, becoming the base of a pool, covering most of the stage area.  All characters spend some time in the water, whether they are diving off their aerial apparatus at the end of their act, performing synchronised swimming, or floating on one of many props.  The show in its entirety is a true feast, a dynamic tableau, multi-dimensional and magnificent.  As Fawnia said afterwards, "They make me want to stretch!".  Me too!

Sculptures by Richard MacDonald for Cirque, on display at the entrance to O's Theatre

The Bellagio

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